Total distance travelled,
London to Hanoi:
Total distance travelled, West
to East, London to Vladivostok:
Number of train stops from
London to Hanoi:
Total time spent on trip,
including Hanoi and return flight:
Total trip time, London
departure to Hanoi arrival:
Trip time, London to Hanoi, not
including stopovers:
Trip time, not
including stopovers or train stops:
Average speed, not including
Average speed, not including
stopovers or train stops:
Number of late trains:
All-inclusive cost, Eric:
All-inclusive cost, Will:
Times zones crossed, London to Vladivostok:
Times zones crossed, Vladivostok back to Hanoi:
Coldest temperature: |
17,107 km
12,516 km
25 days, 15 hrs, 50 mins
23 days, 8 hrs, 13 mins
11 days, 3 hrs, 6 mins
9 days, 12 hrs, 24 mins
64 km/h
75 km/h
1, arrival in Hanoi
$5,805 US
$6,322 US
10 4 -25° C, in Harbin |