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The Vodkanator!

In his quest to ensure that we would have the optimum Russian experience, my colleague at home and good friend, Ian Smith, invented a portable, self-priming, in-line activated charcoal filter: the "Vodkanator" (c) copyright 2004, all rights reserved.

This amazing device, (soon to be available online ;-), turns the lowest quality vodka from toxic waste to perfect taste. (Thanks Aj).

However, the "incredibly important discovery about vodka" I mentioned in the previous post is a bit of wisdom from our Moscow guide, when we were trying to buy some cheap, nasty toxic waste to use the invention on: When in Russia, "There is good vodka and really good vodka". We bought a 125 R (~$4) bottle and a 1000 R (~$36) bottle to test her comment. And, unfortunately for the Vodkanator market in Russia, she was absolutely right.

Having performed extensive testing of the Vodkanator before leaving home, (on a range of inexpensive, American vodka), I can positively say that the cheapest commercial Russian vodka tastes "better" than the best, (shall go un-named here), French Vodka we used as our benchmark. AND - the really good vodka also lived up to its promise! Oh well, my personal Vodkanator will probably come in handy for filtering water on this trip...

Will - from Irkutsk