Our taxi from the Moscow train station
Will shopping for gear at an outdoor market
At the market with our guide for the day, Lena
In the Armoury in the Kremlin
In the Armoury in the Kremlin
In the Armoury in the Kremlin
In the Armoury in the Kremlin
In the Armoury in the Kremlin
In the Armoury in the Kremlin, all gold
In the Armoury in the Kremlin
Will getting chopsticks at a Chinese restaurant for his soup on the train
Changing of the guard at the Kremlin
A workers statue in front of St. Basil's Cathedral
A cigarette poster showing the "Gerkin" Swiss Re building in London "City"
We got mittens, boots, slippers, and various other items.
This amazing place used to be a palace. It was beautiful. We bought tons of vodka, sausages, bread, cheese, and water.
The GUM State Department Store (very similar design to Toronto's Eaton Centre) to the left and St. Basil's Cathedral at the end on the right
Most of Eric's clients are in that neighbourhood.